Thursday, February 14, 2008

taxes taxes taxes

a fellow etsy seller (and paper enthusiast), InvitaPaperStudio sent me this handy little tax cheat sheet as far as business write offs. i thought i'd share!

1. Advertising- i included any blog ads that i did.
2. Delivery and freight- all my shipping supplies and packaging supplies.
3. Dues and subcriptions
4. Office expense- i included any tools (like my corner rounder, etc) printer, banner for shows, table, etc.
5. Postage- Total shipping that i paid, so keep your receipts!
6. Printing- any printing you got done outside of your own printer.
7. Supplies- Pretty much the majority of things we buy for our type of business! paper, envelopes, ink, paper samples i ordered, etc.
8. telephone
9. And under other:
- Craft Show fees
- Etsy fees and Paypal Fees
- Publications- i bought some books, so it went under this
- Mileage to post office, to go and buy paper, craft shows, etc.
- Home internet- i gave her a percentage of how much internet use is business.
- a room in my house. She had some kind of formula she did in her computer, where i gave her the square footage of the room, plus electricity bill for the months i was in business, and she came up with a total.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing these tips. Taxes - yeck!