Monday, February 11, 2008

a lot of catching up to do...

wow i haven't blogged in a while. so i waited until i made my final decision to say anything, but i had the opportunity to cross off one of the items on my "wish list" which one you ask? the lovely little letterpress... I KNOW! i was thisclose to being the new owner of a fantastic C&P letterpress! a man close to here was selling off his father-in-law's old printshop and had so many great machines in there that, had i had a bigger clientele list, i would have bought all of them. the hubz and i went down to take a look and this thing was HUGE! it would literally take up the entire garage and i wouldn't have any room to actually run the pretty thing. so, with heavy heart and a tear in my eye, i had to turn down the offer. the hubz was so sweet-asking if i wanted to look into storage units, etc etc. but i decided in the end that i valued my arms and fingers (i literally would have had to stand on a chair to feed this thing) way too much- and that my kid coming in april might want a mother with all her fingers as well... so i had to turn it down. ugh, still bums me out to this day, but i figure if i work my ass off this next year to build five dot and work hard to design great things, then i'll start to look again.
so i've been slacking in the posting department... partly because we have so much going on right now, another part because i haven't been feeling well (not sure if i'm getting something or if its just because i'm preggo) and another part because my house is chaotic. i'm actually in the process of making my list of things to do not only this weekend and next week while the hubz is out of town. i can get so much more done when he's not here... i usually just want to hang out with him when he's home because he's been working late and longer hours, so i try and get as much time with him as i can (everyone together, now... "awwwww" there- got it out of your system.)
another reason i've been lacking in the posting department is i was beginning to get a little miffed- well i wouldnt' say miffed, but more disappointed with the etsy sellers... i was doing my forum surfing looking for opportunities to put in my two cents, get some exposure and swap some good shop talk, but every time i went into a thread, it was a poor-pitiful me story of how their sales are slow and "what's wrong with my items? why don't i have any sales" and blah blah blah. i had written this LONG blog entry about it and decided that i didn't want to post it. so instead i just mention it now... all i want to say from it is that EVERYONE wants more sales... i want more sales, the girl in north dakota wants more sales- everyone wants more sales... but going into a forum and- basically- whining about it isn't going to get those sales. done commenting.
one thing that's been bothering me is that i still haven' finished my new year's goals list or my 35 by 35 list (that one may have to be on-going). i wanted to have at least 10 goals for this year (maybe i'll post them on the blog so that i can be held accountable... plus i can do updates... hmmmm- i might think about that one a little more). it bothers me a bit that my posts aren't as design-driven as i would like them to be, but that's something i'm just going to have to get over. my life is my design, so it's going to get intertwined. i redesigned my shower thank you notes yesterday and i l-o-v-e them, so they'll be in the shop soon.
okay, so i think i've gotten everyone caught up. i'll have photos up and posted soon- hopefully... well don't hold your breath. i haven't moved from the couch much lately.

1 comment:

rebekah said...

I highly recommend the book Craft, Inc to every etsy seller. :)