Friday, October 24, 2008

I hearby find you GUILTY!

It has been decided that I am not allowed to go to the mall by myself. I have agreed to these terms and though I may not agree 100% with the reasoning behind these actions against me, for the greater good of my household and my bank account I must oblige.

Below you will find some of the evidence against me.

Exhibit A

Exhibit B

Exhibit C

Exhibit D

Case and point.

Why I cannot be a millionaire and buy my way out of this will haunt me forever.

Explain to me how someone is supposed to raise a daughter in this world and teach her that objects and material goods and THINGS are not important... when places are offering these amazing pieces of fabulousness? I

If this collection came in my size, I'd break my no matching outfits rules.

images courtesy of Janie&Jack ... click if you dare- you'll get sucked in.


Linda said...

Cute outfits. I can see how hard it would be to resist.

BeanPickleSprout said...

You crack me up! That is way too cute! I am afraid my daughter would have it stained with all of the colors of the rainbow in seconds...

Anonymous said...

Those outfits are very tempting to me and i don't even have kids! Things like this definitely make me wish for girls when my husband and I start trying!